Dr. John Mills
Professor at University of Texas
Austin, TX
String Quartet Smackdown III, V, and VI
Dr. John Mills has long been one of Texas’ most in-demand saxophonists, arrangers, and composers. Besides his prolific work as a studio performer, John has recorded and produced three CDs of exclusively original music: Caffeine Dreams and Flying Blind with John Mills Times Ten, as well as his song collection Invisible Designs, featuring long-time Count Basie vocalist Carmen Bradford. His upcoming release of original music is The Bruise of the Lyric — a collaboration with the Pulitzer Prize-nominated poet Cornelius Eady. In 2019, Mills won the SONIC Award for Best Big Band Composition from the International Society of Jazz Arrangers and Composers (ISJAC) and Third Prize at the Enno Linnovalli International Jazz Composition Contest in Helsinki, Finland.